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李九玉,女,博士,湖南郴州人,研究员,中科院青年创新促进会会员,土壤化学与环境保护室副主任,主要从事可变电荷土壤电化学特征、酸化机制和调控原理研究。目前已在Soil Till. Res.、Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta、Soil Total Environ.等主流学术期刊发表相关论文90余篇,授权发明专利4项,参编专著4部,荣获国家科学技术进步二等奖和中国土壤学会科学技术二等奖.

国际科学基金:Filtration and evaluation of the ameliorants for soil acidity and Al toxicity,主持(2006-2008).


  1. Li JY, Deng KY, Cai SJ, et al., Periphyton has the potential to increase phosphorus use efficiency in paddy fields. Science of the Total Environment, 720, 137711.
  2. Li JY, Deng KY, Hesterberg D, et al., Mechanisms of enhanced inorganic phosphorus accumulation by periphyton in paddy fields as affected by calcium and ferrous ions. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 466–475.
  3. Li JY, Liu ZD, Zhao WZ, et al., Alkaline slag is more effective than phosphogypsum in the amelioration of subsoil acidity in an Ultisol profile. Soil & Tillage Research, 149:21-32.
  4. Li JY, Liu ZD, Zhao AZ, Xu RK. 2014. Microbial and enzymatic properties in response to amelioration of an acidic Ultisol by industrial and agricultural by-products. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14: 441-450.
  5. Li JY, Xu RK. 2013. Inhibition of acidification of kaolinite and an Alfisol by aluminum oxides through electrical double-layer interaction and coating. European Journal of Soil Science, 64: 110-120.
  6. Li JY, Xu RK, Zhang H. 2012. Iron oxides serve as natural anti-acidification agents in highly weathered soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 12: 876-887.
  7. Li JY, Wang N, Xu RK, Tiwari D. 2010. Potential of industrial by-products in ameliorating acidity and aluminum toxicity of soil under tea plantation. Pedosphere, 20(5): 645-654.
  8. Li JY,Xu RK. 2007. Adsorption of phthalic acid and salicylic acid and their effect on exchangeable Al capacity of variable charge soils. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 306: 3-10.
  9. Li JY, Xu RK, Tiwari D, Ji GL. 2006. Mechanism of aluminum release from variable charge soils induced by low-molecular-weight organic acids: kinetics study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70: 2755-2764.
  10. Li JY, Xu RK, Tiwari D, Ji GL. 2006. Effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids on the distribution of mobilized Al between soil solution and solid phase. Applied Geochemistry, 21:1750-1759.
  11. Li JY, Xu RK, Xiao SC, Ji GL. 2005. Effect of low-molecular-weight organic anions on exchangeable aluminum capacity of variable charge soils. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 284(2): 393-399.
  12. Li JY, Xu RK, Ji GL. 2005. Dissolution of aluminum in variably charged soils as affected by low-molecular-weight organic acids. Pedosphere, 15(4): 484-490.
  13. Xu CY, Deng KY, Li JY*, Xu RK*. 2015. Impact of environmental conditions on aggregation kinetics of hematite and goethite nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17: 394-406, 17: 394-406
  14. Xu CY, Xu RK*, Li JY,* Deng KY. 2017. Phosphate-induced aggregation kinetics of hematite and goethite nanoparticles. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17:352–363.
  15. Xu CY, Li JY*, Xu RK*. 2017. Sorption of organic phosphates and its effects on aggregation of hematite nanoparticles in monovalent and bivalent solutions. Environment Science and Pollution Research, 24:7197 – 7207.
  16. Zhao WR, Li JY, et al., The mechanisms underlying the reduction in aluminum toxicity and improvements in the yield of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) After organic and inorganic amendment of an acidic ultisol. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 288:106716.
  17. Pan XY, Li JY, Deng KY, et al., Four-year effects of soil acidity amelioration on the yields of canola seeds and sweet potato and N fertilizer efficiency in an ultisol. Field Crops Research,237:1-11.
  18. Shi RY, Li JY, Ni N, et al., Understanding the biochar’s role in ameliorating soil acidity. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 18(7): 1508–1517.
  19. Hong ZN, Li JY, Jiang J, et al., In-situ ATF-FTIR spectroscopic investigation of desorption of phosphate from hematite by bacteria. European Journal of Soil Science, 68(4): 480-490.
  20. Baquy MA, Li JY, Xu CY, et al., Determination of critical pH and Al concentration of acidic Ultisols for wheat and canola crops. Solid Earth, 8, 149–159.
  21. Hong, ZN, Li, JY, Jiang, J, et al., Competition between bacteria and phosphate for adsorption sites on gibbsite: An in-situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopic and macroscopic study. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 148: 496-502.
  22. Shi RY, Li JY, Xu RK, et al., Ameliorating effects of individual and combined application of biomass ash, bone meal and alkaline slag on acid soils. Soil & Tillage Research, 2016.162:41-45.
  23. Li ZY, Li JY, Xu RK, et al., Streaming potential method for characterizing the overlapping of diffuse layers of the electrical double layers between oppositely charged particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 478:22–29.
  24. Hong ZN, Li JY, Jiang J, et al., Presence of bacteria reduced phosphate adsorption on goethite. European Journal of Soil Science, 66, 406–416.
  25. Tong XJ, Li JY, Yuan JH, Xu RK. 2011. Adsorption of Cu(II) by biochars generated from three crop straws. Chemical Engineering Journal, 172: 828– 834.
  26. Mao J, Xu RK, Li JY, Li XH. 2010. Dicyandiamide enhances liming potential of two legume materials when incubated with an acid Ultisol. Soil Biology Biochemistry, 42: 1632-1635.
  27. 李九玉, 徐仁扣. 2007.低分子量有机酸对土壤中铝的化学行为的影响. 土壤, 39(2):196-203.
  28. 李九玉, 徐仁扣, 季国亮. 2004.用8-羟基喹啉(pH8.3)分光光度法测定酸性土壤中的可溶性铝. 土壤, 36(3): 307-309.
  29. 徐仁扣, 李九玉, 周世伟, 徐明岗, 沈仁芳. 2018. 我国农田土壤酸化调控的科学问题与技术措施.中国科学院院刊,33(2):160-167.
  30. 徐仁扣,李九玉,姜军. 2014. 可变电荷土壤中特殊化学现象及其微观机制的研究进展. 土壤学报,51(2):207-215.



