报告题目:How the critical zone architecture moderates the influences of snowpack loss on streamflow generation in a headwater meadow-forest system
报告人:Prof. Martha Conklin 加州大学默塞德分校
报告时间: 2018年8月23日上午10:30
Dr. Martha Conklin, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and member of the Environmental Systems Graduate Group, joined UC Merced in 2003 as one of the Founding Faculty. She has published widely on contaminant hydrology of surface and groundwaters, chemical processes in natural waters, and processes controlling water balances in forested and mountain catchments.
In hydrological systems dependent on snowmelt for the dominant water source, knowing how much snow is present on a real-time basis allows water resource managers to anticipate water availability. In this era of warming temperatures, having better snow information is also important for flood control. This talk will show groundwater-surface water interactions in a headwater meadow-forest system, and how will the system composition shift as climate change.