盐沼提供重要生态系统服务,如保护沿海城市不受风暴影响、营养物清除和碳封存,但尽管人们采取了保护措施,这些生态系统依然在减少。现在,来自一个完整生 态系统的营养物富集实验的长达9年的数据显示,沿海地区当前营养物的加载水平会改变关键盐沼生态系统的性质,导致小湾堤岸坍塌,并最终导致盐沼变成泥滩。 因富营养化所造成的盐沼潜在退化,为管理氮的同时满足21世纪粮食生产需求所面临的挑战增添了另一个维度。(《中国科学报》田天-编译)
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Steven C. Pennings. Ecology: The big picture of marsh loss. Nature 2012 490: 352–353 doi:10.1038-490352a.
A landscape-scale experiment shows that excessive nutrient levels can cause the loss of salt marshes — a result that was not seen in smaller studies. This illustrates the value of large-scale long-term studies in ecology.
Linda A. Deegan David Samuel Johnson R. Scott Warren Bruce J. Peterson John W. Fleeger Sergio Fagherazzi & Wilfred M. Wollheim. Coastal eutrophication as a driver of salt marsh loss. Nature 2012 490: 388-392.
Salt marshes are highly productive coastal wetlands that provide important ecosystem services such as storm protection for coastal cities nutrient removal and carbon sequestration. Despite protective measures however worldwide losses of these ecosystems have accelerated in recent decades1. Here we present data from a nine-year whole-ecosystem nutrient-enrichment experiment. Our study demonstrates that nutrient enrichment a global problem for coastal ecosystems2 3 4 can be a driver of salt marsh loss. We show that nutrient levels commonly associated with coastal eutrophi