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    9月7-9日,应 联合国粮食与农业组织(FAO)邀请,土壤与农...

中国科学院“爱因斯坦讲席教授”Ralf Conrad教授访问土壤与农业可持续发展国家重点实验室


Effects of elevated ozone concentration on yield of four Chi...

Zhu XK Feng ZZ Sun TF et al.. Effects of elevated ...

Gross N transformations were little affected by 4 years of s...

Cheng Y Cai ZC Zhang JB et al.. Gross N transforma...

A combination of bioleaching and bioprecipitation for deep r...

Fang D Zhang RC Zhou LX et al.. A combination of b...

Elevated CO(2) Levels Affects the Concentrations of Copper a...

Guo HY Zhu JG Zhou H et al.. Elevated CO(2) Levels...



Autotrophic growth of nitrifying community in an agricultura...

Xia WW Zhang CX Zeng XW et al.. Autotrophic growth...

Long-Term Field Fertilization Significantly Alters Community...

Wu YC Lu L Wang BZ. Long-Term Field Fertilization...