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e-SOTER,EC (FP7),2009-2011
Global Soil Partnership Asia Soil Science Network,FAO,2012-2014

龚子同, 黄金荣, 张甘霖, 等. 中国土壤地理. 2011. 科学出版社
龚子同, 张甘霖, 陈志诚, 等. 土壤发生与系统分类. 2007. 科学出版社
张甘霖, 等. 土系研究与制图表达. 2001. 中国科学技术大学出版社
徐建明, 张甘霖, 谢正苗, 吕晓南, 等. 土壤质量指标与评价. 2010. 科学出版社

Zhi JJ, Zhang GL, Yang F, Yang RM, Liu F, Song XD, Zhao YG, Li DC. Predicting mattic epipedons in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau using Random Forest. Geoderma Regional, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2017.02.001
Yang RM, Zhang GL, Liu F, et al. Comparison of boosted regression tree and random forest models for mapping topsoil organic carbon concentration in an alpine ecosystem. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 60, 870-878
Huang LM, Zhang XH, Shao MA, et al. Pedogenesis significantly decreases the stability of water-dispersible soil colloids in a humid tropical region. Geoderma, 2016, 274: 45-53
Liu F, D.G. Rossiter, Song XD, et al. A similarity-based method for three-dimensional prediction of soil organic matter concentration. Geoderma, 2016, 263: 254-263
Song XD, Brus DJ, Liu F, et al. Mapping soil organic carbon content by geographically weighted regression: A case study in the Heihe River Basin, China. Geoderma, 2016, 261: 11-22
Yang F, Zhang GL, Yang F, et al. Pedogenetic interpretations of particle-size distribution curves for an alpine environment. Geoderma, 2016, 282: 9-15
Yang RM, Zhang GL, Yang F, et al. Precise estimation of soil organic carbon stocks in the northeast Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 21842
Zeng R, Zhang GL, Li DC, et al. How well can VNIR spectroscopy distinguish soil classes? Biosystems Engineering, 2016, 152: 117-125
Yang JL, Zhang GL, Yang F, et al. Controlling effects of surface crusts on water infiltration in an arid desert area of Northwest China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16: 2408-2418
Li SQ, Zhang GL, Yang JL, et al. Multi-source characteristics of atmospheric deposition in Nanjing, China, as controlled by East Asia Monsoons and urban activities. Pedosphere, 2016, 26: 374-385
Yang RM, Liu F, Zhang GL, et al. Mapping soil texture based on field soil moisture observations at a high temporal resolution in an oasis agricultural area. Pedosphere, 2016, 26: 699-708
Song XD, Zhang GL, Liu F, et al. Characterization of the spatial variability of soil available zinc at various sampling densities using grouped soil type information. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2016, 188: 600
Song XD, Zhang GL, Liu F, et al. Modeling spatio-temporal distribution of soil moisture by deep learning-based cellular automata model. Journal of Arid Land, 2016, 8: 734-748
Song XD, Liu F, Zhang GL, et al. Estimation of soil texture at a regional scale using local soil-landscape models. Soil Science, 2016, 181: 435-445
Zeng R, Zhao YG, Li DC, et al. Selection of "Local" Models for Prediction of Soil Organic Matter Using a Regional Soil Vis-NIR Spectral Library. Soil Science, 2016, 181: 13-19
Huang LM, Yang JL, A. Thompson, et al. Proton production from nitrogen transformation drives stream export of base cations in acid-sensitive forested watersheds. Ecological Indicators, 2015, 48: 348-357
Chen LM, Zhang GL, DG Rossiter, et al. Magnetic depletion and enhancement in the evolution of paddy and non-paddy soil chronosequences. European Journal of Soil Science, 2015, 66(5): 886-897
Huang LM, A. Thompson, Zhang GL*, et al. The use of chronosequences in studies of paddy soil evolution: A review. Geoderma, 2015, 237-238: 199-210
Han GZ, Zhang GL*, Li DC, et al. Pedogenetic evolution of clay minerals and agricultural implications in three paddy soil chronosequences of south China derived from different parent materials. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2015, 15(2): 423-435
Yang RM, DG Rossiter, Liu F, et al. Predictive Mapping of Topsoil Organic Carbon in an Alpine Environment Aided by Landsat TM. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(10): e0139042
Wang DC, Zhang GL, Zhao MS, et al. Retrieval and Mapping of Soil Texture Based on Land Surface Diurnal Temperature Range Data from MODIS. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0129977
Yang JL, Zhang GL. Formation, characteristics and eco-environmental implications of urban soils – A review. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2015, 61(1): 30-46
Zhao MS, Zhang GL, Wu YJ, et al. Driving forces of soil organic matter change in Jiangsu Province of China. Soil Use and Management, 2015, 31: 440-449
Wu DW, Zhang GL. Study on Paddy Soil Chronosequences Based on Visible-Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectra. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2015, 35(12): 3375-3381
Huang LM, Zhang GL, Thompson A, Rossiterd D G. Pedogenic Transformation of Phosphorus during Paddy Soil Development on Calcareous and Acid Parent Materials. SSSAJ, 2013, doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.01.0033
Liu F, Zhang GL, Sun YJ, et al. Mapping three-dimensional distribution of soil organic matter over a subtropical hilly landscape. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2013, DOI 10.2136/sssaj2012.0317
Han GZ, Zhang GL. Changes in magnetic properties and their pedogenetic implications for paddy soil chronosequences from different parent materials in south China. European Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 64, 435–444
Sun XL, Wu SC, Wang HL, Zhao YG, Zhang GL, Man YB, Wong MH. Dealing with spatial outliers and mapping uncertainty for evaluating the effects of urbanization on soil: A case study of soil pH and particle fractions in Hong Kong. Geoderma, 2013, 195-196: 220-233.
Yang JL, Zhang GL, Huang LM, et al. Estimating soil acidification rate at watershed scale based on the stoichiometric relations between silicon and base cations. Chemical Geology, 2013, 337-338: 30-37.
Huang LM, Zhang GL, Yang JL. Weathering and soil formation rates based on geochemical mass balances in a small forested watershed under acid precipitation in subtropical China. Catena, 2013, 105: 11-20.
Li JW, Zhang GL, Gong ZT. Nd isotope evidence for dust accretion to a soil chronosequence in Hainan Island. Catena, 2013, 101: 24-30.
Sun XL, Wu SC, Wang HL, Zhao YG, Zhao YC, Zhang GL*. Man YB, Ming Hung Wong, Uncertainty Analysis for the Evaluation of Agricultural Soil Quality Based on Digital Soil Maps, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. , 2012, doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0426
Sun XL, Zhao YG, Wu YJ, Zhao MS, Wang H, Zhang GL*. Spatio-temporal change of soil organic matter content of Jiangsu Province, China, based on digital soil maps. Soil Use and Management, 2012, 28:318-328
Sun XL, Zhao YG, Wang HL, Yang L, Qin CZ, Zhu AX, Zhang GL*, Pei T, Li BL. Sensitivity of digital soil maps based on FCM to the fuzzy exponent and the number of clusters. Geoderma, 2012, 171/172:24-34
Han GZ, Zhang GL*, Gong ZT, Wang GF. Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Soil Bulk Density in China. Soil Science, 2012, 177(3): 158–164
Wang DC, Zhang GL*, Pan XZ, Zhao YG, Zhao MS and Wang GF. Mapping Soil Texture of a Plain Area with Fuzzy-C-Means Clustering Method Based on the Land Surface Diurnal Temperature Difference. Pedosphere, 2012, 22(3): 394-403
Dengwei Wu, Yuguo Zhao, Decheng Li, Feng Liu, Ganlin Zhang*. 2012. Soil classification based calibration of Visible and Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy(VNIR-DRS) for predicting soil properties. In Budiman Minasny et al. (eds.) Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney, Australia. 32-37, CRC Press.
Xiaolin Sun, Yuguo Zhao, Mingsong Zhao, Ganlin Zhang*. 2012. Spatial agricultural soil quality evaluation based on digital soil maps and uncertainty analysis. In Budiman Minasny et al. (eds.) Digital Soil Assessments and Beyond: Proceedings of the 5th Global Workshop on Digital Soil Mapping 2012, Sydney, Australia. 399-402, CRC Press.
HUANG Laiming, YANG Jinling, and ZHANG Ganlin*, 2012, Chemistry and source identification of wet precipitation in a rural watershed of subtropical China Chin.J.Geochem. 31:347–354
Chen L M, Zhang GL*, Effland W R. Soil characteristic response times and pedogenic thresholds during the 1000-year evolution of a paddy soil chronosequence. Soil Science Society American Journal, 2011, 75: 1807-1820
Yang JL & Zhang G L*.Water infiltration in urban soils and its effects on the quantity and quality of runoff, Journal of Soils Sediments, 2011, 11:751–761
Huang, LM; Yang, JL; Zhang, GL. Nitrogen sink in a small forested watershed of subtropical China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2011, 23 (3): 468-475
Sun XL, Zhao YG, Zhang G L*, Wu SC, Man YB, Wong MH. Application of a digital soil mapping method in producing soil orders on mountain areas of Hong Kong Based on Legacy Soil Data. Pedosphere, 2011, 21(3): 339-350
Li D C, Velde B, Li F M, Zhang G L, Zhao M S, Huang L M. Impact of long-term alfalfa cropping on soil potassium content and clay minerals in a semi-arid loess soil in china. Pedosphere, 2011, 21(4): 522-531
Decheng Li, Yanfang Yang, Jinping Guo, Bruce Velde, Ganlin Zhang, Feng Hu, Mingsong Zhao, Evolution and significance of soil magnetism of basalt-derived chronosequence soils in tropical southern. Agricultural Sciences, Vol.2, No.4, 536-543
Zhang GL*, Wu YJ. Developmenet and Use of Soil Maps and Databases in China (Chapter 30), in P.M Huang, Y.C. Li and M.E. Sumner (ed.) Handbook of Soil Sciences Resource Management and Environmental Impacts, CRC Press, Tylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2011
Lu Y, Yin W, Huang LB, Zhang GL, Zhao YG. Assessment of bioaccessibility and exposure risk of arsenic and lead in urban soils of Guangzhou City, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2011, 33 (2): 93-102
Kovda I. V., M. P. Lebedeva, N. P. Chizhikova, Zhang GL, Gong ZT, Li DC, and V. I. Vasenev. Secondary Calcification of Paddy Soils in Southern China: Morphological and Substantive Characteristics. Eurasian Soil Science, 2011, 44,(2):126–136
Zhao YG, He JZ, Yan XY, Zhang B, Zhang GL, Cai ZC. Progress in significant soil science fields of China over the last three decades: A review. Pedosphere, 2011, 21(1): 1-10
Hu XF, Wei J, Du Y, Xu LF, Wang HB, Zhang GL, Ye W, Zhu LD. Regional distribution of the Quaternary Red Clay with aeolian dust characteristics in subtropical China and its paleoclimatic implications. Geoderma, 2010,159:317–334
Zhang GL, Chen LM, He Y. Silicon isotope fractionation during soil evelopment on basalt in tropical China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74 (12):A1195-A1239(会议论文摘要)
Yang JL, Zhang GL, Huang LM. Weathering rate of granite-derived soils in the subtropical China: A watershed study($). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74(12): A1174 - A1174. (会议论文摘要)
Chen LM, Zhang GL. Geochemical features of a paddy soil chronosequence derived from Calcareous marine sediments in a millennium scale. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2010, 74 (12): A135~A201 (A171).(会议论文摘要)
He, Y., Zhang GL*.Historical record of black carbon in urban soils and its environmental implications. Environ. Pollut, 2009,157:2684-2688. doi:10.1016
Yang JL, Zhang GL*, Shi XZ, Wang HJ, Cao Z H, Ritsema C J. Dynamic changes of nitrogen and phosphorus losses in ephemeral runoff processes by typical storm events in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Soil Tillage Research, 2009, 105: 292-299
Hu XF, Wei J, Xu LF, Zhang GL, Zhang WG. Magnetic susceptibility of the Quaternary Red Clay in sub-tropical China and its paleoenvironmental implications, Palaeogeography, 2009, 279:216–232
Sanchez, P.A.; Ahamed, S.; Carré, F.; Hartemink, A.E.; Hempel, J.; Huising, J.; Lagacherie, P.; McBratney, A.B.; McKenzie, N.G.; Mendonça-Santos, M. de Lourdes; Minasny, B.; Montanarella, L.; Okoth, P.; Palm, C.A.; Sachs, J.D.; Shepherd, K.D.; Vägen, T.; Vanlauwe, B.; Walsh, M.G.; Winowiecki, L.A.; Zhang, G.L.. Digital Soil Map of the World. Science, 2009, 5941 (325): 680-681
Ruan XL, Zhang GL*, Ni LJ and He Y. Distribution and Migration of Heavy Metals in Soils: A High Resolution Sampling Method, Pedosphere, 2008, 18(3):386-393
Da-Gang Yuan, Zhang GL*, Zi-Tong Gong, 2008, Numerical apporaches to identification of characteristic layers in an urban environment, Pedosphere, 18(3):335-343
He Y, Li DC, B. Velde , Yang YF, Huang CM, Gong ZT, Zhang GL*, 2008, Clay minerals in a soil chronosequence derived from basalt on Hainan Island, China, Geoderma, 2008, 148:206–212
Zhang GL, Gong ZT, Zhao YG, Zhao WJ, Yang JL. Environmental geochemistry in relation to agriculture and human health in Hainan Island, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007,
Zhang H, Zhang GL*, Zhao YG, Qi ZP. Chemical Degradation of a Ferralsol (Oxisol) under Intensive Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) Farming in Tropical China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2007, 93:109-116
Yang JL, Zhang GL*, Zhao YG. Land use impact on nitrogen discharge by stream: a case study in subtropical hilly region of China. Nutrient Cycling in Agro-ecosystem, 2007, 77:29-38
Yuan DG, Zhang GL*, Gong ZT, Wolfgang Burghardt. Variations of phosphorus enrichment in soils of Nanjing City, China as affected by urban development. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2007, 170:244-249
Zhao YG, Zhang GL*, Yang JL, Harald Zepp. Establishing a spatial grouping base for soil attributes along urban-rural gradient -- A case study in Nanjing, China. Catena, 2007, 69:74-81
Zhang GL*, Yang FG, Zhao WJ, Zhao YG, Yang JL, Gong ZT. Historical change of soil Pb content and Pb isotope signatures of the cultural layers in Urban Nanjing. Catena, 2007, 69:51-56
Gong ZT,, Chen HZ, Yuan DG Zhao YG, Wu YJ, Zhang GL*. The temporal and spatial distribution of ancient rice in China and its implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52(8):1071-1079
Zhang GL*, Pan JH, Huang CM, and Gong ZT. Geochemical features of a soil chronosequence developed on basalt in Hainan Island, China, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas (Mexican Journal of Geological Science), 2007, 24(2): 261-269
Hu XF, Yu S, Rong Y, Li XQ, Zhang GL. Magnetic properties of the urban soils in Shanghai and their environmental implications. Catena, 2007,70, 428–436
Zhang HB, Luo YM, Wong MH, Zhao QG, Zhang GL. Defining the geochemical baseline: a case of Hong Kong soils. Environmental Geology, 2007, 52:843-851
Zhang HB, Luo YM, Wong MH, Zhao QG, Zhang GL. Soil organic carbon storage and changes with reduction in agricultural activities in Hong Kong. Geoderma, 2007, 139(3-4):412-419
Zhang HB, Luo YM, Wong MH, Zhao QG, Zhang GL. Concentrations and possible sources of polychlorinated biphenyls in the soils of Hong Kong. Geoderma, 2007,138:244-251








